Thursday, June 18, 2020

Know My Name

One of my nieces lent me her book Know My Name by Chanel Miller. For a long time we knew her as Emily Doe, the victim of a sexual assault at Stanford University. Two Swedish foreign exchange students saw a guy assaulting an unconscious woman near the dumpsters and put a stop to it. He tried to run away but they tackled him and held him until the police arrived. Without their assistance Chanel might never have known what happened to her that January night. Her assailant got off incredibly easy with only a six month jail sentence of which he served three. Because of that  decision and the subsequent out-roar the law in California has changed the consequences of raping an unconscious person to include mandatory prison time. The judge who decided three months was enough punishment was recalled by a special petition and had to hang up his robe for good.  Chanel's pain and suffering was hard to read about. Her family, boyfriend and friends suffered too. This was a difficult book to read but well worth my time.

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