Sunday, June 21, 2020

Rossini Road to Big Bend Campsite

Today I hiked from the Rossini Road Trailhead back to Big Bend campsite. As I started out the sun was shining and it was raining so I had to wear a raincoat and sunhat at the same time. I was excited because only a half mile from the trailhead was a spot called 12 mile view. According to the guidebook you can see Lake Superior from here which is 12 miles away. I walked for an hour and still didn't see 12 mile view. Either I am walking really slow or the guidebook has misinformation. Here is a ferny section of the trail.

I came across a series of beaver ponds.Off in the distance a turtle suns itself on a log in the water.

Despite the rain today was a good day for a hike. Boardwalks are a welcome relief from the constant looking at my feet so I don't trip over roots, rocks or branches. I still manage to trip a few times but not on the boardwalks.

This little stream comes between the two beaver ponds. I have to rock hop across.

This forest is mostly maple with a few white pine. This is a very beautiful hike. Every hill I walk up coming in is going down on the way out. Every hill I walk up going out was a hill going down on the way in. Everything evens out.

Today I saw one chipmunk, two frogs, two toads and two garter snakes and one turtle. Plus I heard some green frogs talking.

On  my way back to my car I am surprised to see this sign. How did I miss it coming in? So where is Lake Superior?

This must be the 12 mile view. I can't really see the lake. Maybe if I were taller it would be visible. Today I hiked 2.7 miles of the  Superior Hiking trail bring me to a total of 51.4 miles completed and 281.6 left to go.

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