Friday, July 30, 2021

As Stunning As The Drake

Thimbleberries are ripening here in Duluth and boy howdy, are they ever delicious. I ate a handful while walking a path by Tischer Creek. Thimble berries taste just like raspberries. I am tempted to snack on raspberries I see hanging over sidewalks in town but that just seems wrong. I would hate to be yelled at. I planned to pick blueberries this year for jam but I was told most were damaged by the frost and we should let the bears eat the rest. Bears have been coming closer into town because they are hungry. The Superior National Forest made a new rule today saying all food must be hung high in a tree or in a bear proof barrel at all campsites and that includes the BWCA. Bears have been stealing backpacks and food at campsites. Last week I talked to a lady from Ely and she said the same thing about bears coming close to her house.

These are chokecherries near Tischer Creek. Last week in Vining I spent 20 minutes out in the hot sun picking what I thought were chokecherries. I would have picked more but I was hot and tired. Now I'm glad I didn't. I took them home and boiled them in water for an hour and mashed them with the potato masher. And they're not even chokecherries! I suspect they were unripe currents. I threw the juice out. I don't want to poison myself. Shucks. I was going to make apple/chokecherry leather. I guess I can still make the leather with whatever berries I find and am sure I know what they are. My Grandpa always said, "Don't taste a berry unless you see the birds eating it first." He gave me terrible advice there. Who has the time to watch a berry bush or tree all day waiting for a bird to come by? Besides, hungry birds will eat buckthorn and I know for sure buckthorn berries will give you the runs.

Here is a bee on some very pink Echinacea. I like orange best but pink is pretty too.

Such a cute little pollinator. This is at a public garden off Woodland and Kent Road. I just love walking by this garden except the traffic is fast and loud on Woodland Road. I have to pay attention or I might get run over.

The Mountain Ash has orange berries which would look so pretty on a Christmas tree or a wreath or even in a vase. There is another chokecherry tree to the left of the Mountain Ash. This is on Skyline Parkway near Enger Tower. My Mom liked Mountain Ash trees but she didn't like the way the birds ate the berries and then stained her concrete sidewalk with their droppings.

This was a most cooperative Momma Mallard duck sitting in the sand under the bridge by Twin Ponds. She is just cooling off in the wet sand and taking a  nap. I have never met a more cooperative bird for taking pictures than this one.

She looks exhausted. Her bill is tucked under her wing. She was probably up all night partying or taking care of her babies. Her colors are subdued and neutral yet she is as stunning as the drake.


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