Thursday, July 29, 2021

The Popeil Story

 Ron Popeil (pronounced propealel) died today at age 86 after a medical emergency at a hospital in Los Angeles. Normally I wouldn't even notice his death but I have been paying more attention to him since last week when I found a really old item, still in the original dusty box, in a kitchen cupboard way up high above the kitchen sink in a house in Vining, MN.

What I found was a really old doughnut maker manufactured by the Popeil Brothers out of Chicago, Illinois. The confectionary contraption looks to be  in good shape inside. Somebody could still make doughnuts with it. I remember my Grandmother on my Mom's side making doughnuts once but that was the only time I saw someone make doughnuts at home. Actually doughnuts are one of the few sweets that don't tempt me very much. A home made brownie? Yes. A home made cookie? Yes. Cheesecake? A double yes to cheesecake. But a doughnut? Meh. Unless it was a home made doughnut, then I would try one. Anyway, I looked up the Popeil Brothers Company just for the heck of it. Turns out I had heard of them because they are Ronco! I'm sure you have heard of them too!  RIP Mr. Popeil.

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