Saturday, July 31, 2021

I Like Seals

This juvenile chickadee is one of MY chickadees. I say it's mine because I feed it sunflower seeds, Niger seeds, and fresh water. I am using my old Bundt pan as a bird feeder on my deck. I took this picture from the driveway where this tree is growing. Chickadees are one of my favorite birds because they are so feisty and trusting and industrious. Plus I like birds who tell me their name. Chick-a-dee-dee-dee.

And here is a salty coming into port. One of the Vista fleet boats went right up to it and then turned around as if to show the larger vessel the way into the canal. I am sure the two boats didn't come as close together as it appeared to me from the shore. I would have liked to be on that Vista fleet cruise.

Walking in front of Fitger's brewery I thought for sure I saw a seal on the beach. I know seals are marine animals. Turns out somebody left a cushion on the beach. Now I looked it up and of the 33 species of pinnipeds (seals, sea lions, walruses) there is one fresh water species in a lake in Siberia called Lake Baikal. I wish we had seals in Lake Superior. I like watching seals frolic and nurse their babies.


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The Winter People

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