Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Proper Cup Of Coffee

I spent a week in Vining recently. I stayed at a house with my cousin. Cats live outside this house. The house had five huge sacks of catfood and about 12 empty sacks of cat food on the porch. I woke up early. Trying not to disturb anyone, I took my toothbrush and toothpaste and went out into the yard to brush my teeth and spit into the grass. No matter if I got up at 5 or 6 or 7 in the morning, the cats were there waiting for their food. They looked at me so intently and, frankly, with malice in their eyes. I am not a fan of cats and I really don't like barn cats. But I was given such intense evil eyes I put the toothbrush in my mouth and brought out the sack of cat kibble and fed them. The tom cat is the orange one on the right. All these cats have short ears that fold over at the top.

This photo has four black and white cats. Three are at the pie plate of kibble and one is lurking in the background. 

After brushing my teeth it was time to make the coffee. This house had no traditional coffee pot but I did find this old coffee pot. The metal is thin and it consists of three pieces. The bottom one is shaped like a coffee pot. The middle one is shallow with holes in the bottom to hold coffee grounds. The top one is solid at the bottom but the top is open and this could hold water although I don't know why it would. I guess there might have been a lid to the top piece but I couldn't find it.  I heated water in the teapot, put grounds in the middle section, put the middle section on top of the bottom section, poured hot water into the middle section, and covered it with the top section to keep the heat in. In a few minutes the coffee was ready. My old fashioned percolator at home takes 7 minutes to perk. This is much faster. The first day I used it the kitchen was dark and I didn't measure the coffee. Lordy! That coffee was TOO STRONG! I could literally feel the caffeine enter the veins in my arms.

After the first morning I measured the coffee with a spoon. I came to like this little, antique coffee pot. How many of my relatives have sipped coffee made in this pot? Coffee is made quickly and I don't have to bother with paper filters. I suppose paper filters would make clean up easier though. Nothing like a proper cup of coffee from a proper coffee pot.

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...