Friday, July 9, 2021

Nice Day For A Paddle

Today I took my kayak out after lunch and put in on Minnesota Point again. So far I am meeting my goal of kayaking once a week. I saw a common tern willing to pose for a photo.

This tern was very photogenic.

I riled up mama mallards as I floated by. They squawked and chased their babies away from me. Three times I caused mama mallards to panic but that was not my intention. See the mallard on the log?

This female mallard didn't have any babies so she just sat on a log and pretended I wasn't there.

I paddled past the Duluth Rowing Club. I would really like to try out one of those rowing boats to see if I'd like to join a rowing team.

My kayak got close enough to cause the security lights to come on. I was snooping at their boats.

I was snooping at all the houses I saw too. I love how a weeping willow looks as the branches hang over the water. This is a lovely tree.

I kayaked for a little over two hours today. While I let my kayak dry so the sand would fall off into the grass, some herring gulls came by to check it out.

My trip today is shown in red although it's not entirely accurate. I hugged the shore much closer on the way down. This is the view of the peninsula from the Wisconsin side. I went from the Sky Harbor Airport to Lafayette Square park which according to google maps is 2.3 miles apart. I could have gone further if I hadn't drunk so much coffee this morning.

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...