Monday, September 7, 2009

Somebody Stole My Canary!!

I just got back from Colorado today. I walked in the house and heard nothing. I went in the kitchen. No Canary!! Somebody stole my canary!!!

Then I remembered I asked Offspring #2 to care for my canary in my absense.

Gosh, I miss my little canary. I wouldn't think a bird would add such as presence to the house.

Anyway, I had a great trip. More to follow.


Cajo said...

He is probably really bored here. There are no songbirds hanging around for him to talk to. Just crows. It doesn't stop him from talking though. : )

Anonymous said...

Welcome back.Just read about
Angela(o).Mystery solved. Great!

Colored Television

  I quickly read Colored Television written by Danzy Senna. Set in Los Angeles, this is a current novel about a family trying to get by. Ja...