Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Sudden Onset Left Thumb Awareness

Yesterday I spent part of the morning mending fences. My gate post had rotted. I dug it out and got the gate supports out of the wood (no easy task). I drilled holes in the new gate post for the supports. By the way, if anyone needs a super long 5/8 inch drill bit, let me know because it would be nice to get more than one use out of it. The process was going smoothly. I love it when a chore goes just right. I got the post back in and buried to the right level. The gate was swinging nicely right where I wanted it. The final step was nailing the fence staples to attach the chicken wire to the gate post. I started at the bottom of the post. I was just finishing up the last staple when BLAMMO! I struck my thumbnail with the hammer really hard. I stumbled around the apple tree with my hands between my knees saying, "Crap! Crap! Crap!" I have a personal goal not to swear. Each oath costs me a dollar to donate to charity. In this instance, crap just wasn't cutting it. I let out the f-bomb. Totally worth the dollar. Offspring #2 told me that the television show "Myth Busters" explored the pain relief benefits of swearing and there is truth to it. I believe it. In this case, I made a conscious decision to swear instead of just letting it slide out. In any case, my thumb does not look the same. I was advised that the pressure of a bandage on the thumb can relieve some of the pain so I tried it. The band aid helps some. Plus I don't have to look at the injury. At first the band aid covered all the discoloration but now purple and blue is showing. After 24 hours, the thumb has stopped throbbing and is now a steady pain. I have a sudden awareness of my left thumb. Here are things I cannot do easily: open the package on a band aid, pull up my pants zipper, open a button, open or close a window, take anything out of my left pants pocket, hammer nails or staples, use a screwdriver, pull weeds, pull a can of pop out of a case, put library materials into the drive-up return conveyor belt, put groceries in the car, tie my shoes, floss my teeth and put on underwear. Here are things I can do relatively easy without bothering my left thumb: use a computer, drive a car, swim laps, take care of chickens, and brush my teeth.

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