Monday, February 13, 2017

A Cuckoo Maran's Big Day

I checked on my chickens this morning and found a dark brown egg in the corner of the coop.  This is dawn.  We're still shy of the 7 o'clock hour.  The shell is dark brown so of my 7 chickens, I know one of my 3 Cuckoo Marans laid this egg.  The Americaunas would have laid an egg with a green shell. My Buff Oprington would have laid an egg with a tan shell. The last time I checked this coop was 15 hours ago so this egg is 15 hours or less old and it is stone cold.  So the newly female Cuckoo Maran is not a broody chicken.  And when I think about it, that does make sense.  Broodiness (tendency to tend one's eggs) does not come on with the first ovulation.  Suddenly I remember my own first ovulation.  No, seriously, this could have been a sit-com episode.  I was 11 and a half years old, ahead of my time hormanally but in no other way .  So I give my Mom credit.  She might have expected another year or two of innocence would be just fine.  I was still playing with paper dolls (and still mad because my little sister got Hayley Mills and I got Lana Turner; so wanted Hayley Mills instead).  I wake up an innocent girl.  Normally I am a laid back person but when I find evidence of my own first ovulation I scream, literally scream, "MOM!"  For sure this is a sign that I, at only 11 and a half years old, am dying.  "MOM!" I scream again for surely dying persons deserve their mother's full attention.  I know my Mom is busy.  I am well aware I am not the only kid. I scream at the top of my lungs.  I am hysterical as a person who thinks she is close to death would be.  My Mom explains a few things about being a woman.  My crying, still interrupted by hiccups, slows down.  Science is helpful.  Knowledge is good.  She shows me some female hygiene equipment.  My mood rides that roller coaster from hysteria to calm acceptance until this sentence makes my mood take a right turn into hysteria again: "And this will happen every  month."  WHAT?  ARE YOU FU*****NG KIDDING ME?  WHY HAVE I NEVER HEARD OF THIS BEFORE?  The 11 and a half year old really had no idea.  I laugh now but I was really upset that day.  I'll never forget my outrage. I vowed to share all science stuff as much as I could. That memory gives me some forgiveness for a "less than broody Cuckoo Maran."  

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