Saturday, February 4, 2017

My Awesome Neighbor!

My neighbor put a chicken video on my Facebook page of a chicken walking around in turquoise pants.  The video made me LOL (laugh out loud).  I imagine it would be traumatic to the chicken to dress it in pants but it was pretty funny. This neighbor, next door, is a terrific neighbor.  She is friendly and helpful and amazing. I can send her a text asking if she can water my chickens while I (go to Utah, have a hip replaced, it doesn't matter, she will do it).  And unlike the previous neighbor, who also was great, she doesn't send me a vibe that says, "Stay away from my husband!"  The first time I met her was a traumatic day. A red fox had grabbed Meredith and took her away. I heard Meredith screaming bloody murder and I took off to save my Meredith.  Despite sensitive feet, I actually ran down the drive way after the fox who had Meredith in it's jaws. OMG - it hurt so much (I have very tender feet and a gravel driveway) but my chicken - I had to rescue her from the fox.  The fox ran into the neighbors yard with Meredith in it's jaws. "Put the chicken down" I yelled like an insane person just as my new neighbor came out of her front door with a grandchild (can't remember if it was a boy or a girl-I was that upset).   The fox, seeing my neighbor and her grandchild, decided to drop the chicken.  There was poor Meredith, absent all tail feathers, upset and crying.  I scooped her up in my arms and introduced myself to my new neighbor. That moment was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.   Isn't she great? She has the key to my house and I have the key to hers.  I used to take care of her cat when she went on vacation and she takes care of my chickens when I need her to do that.   She will tromp through snow and slush to water my chickens.  And even when I am home from (Utah, hip replacement, whatever) she texts me to make sure I don't need her another day.  I am lucky and I know it.  

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