Monday, April 30, 2018

Leopard Frogs Calling At Home

Tonight I am sitting on my deck listening to leopard frogs do their long slow snore.  I hear at least four individuals calling. How have I never heard this before? I mean, I have heard leopard frogs calling but never at home. I also hear a robin, many chickadees, some cardinals, a pileated woodpecker, and goldfinches. Today is a warm day. The inside of my house is still cold but it is warm outside. It was even warm this morning when I got up.  I tried to put the rain barrel in place for the season. I could not do it this morning because there was a tear drop chunk of ice right where I wanted to put the barrel. I tried to kick the ice out but I could not do it. This was a 5 inch tear drop of frozen run off. I decided to let nature take its course.  When I got home the ice had melted. Now the rain barrel is in place.  Now the leopard frogs are singing. If I was to guess what they were saying I would guess most of it has to do with mating but some of the snores must be gratitude that it is finally warm enough outside for frogs to sing.

Panda Bear Birds

This weekend I saw my first turkey vultures soaring over the Apple River valley near Somerset, Wisconsin.  In a pond near New Richmond, Wisconsin, we saw six ducks. Four of the ducks were wood ducks. I thought it looked like two committed couples of wood ducks. The other two ducks were on the far side of pond.  When they weren't diving we could see one was black and white and the other was brown with a white spot by the eye. I am glad I had my binoculars along.  Could I think of the name of this duck?  I know the duck.  I think this duck is super cute. I went through many names before I came up with bufflehead duck. Buffalo duck. Ruffalo duck. Mark Ruffalo duck. Panda Bear duck. Pandalo duck. Buffy duck. Daffy duck. Black and white duck. Tuxedo duck. Despicable duck. Buffalo duck. Buff duck. Baffle duck. Baffle head duck. Bufflehead Duck!  Bingo!

Sunday, April 29, 2018

The Rules Do Not Apply

Ariel Levy wrote this book called The Rules Do Not Apply.  The book is short and easy to read. Ariel writes about her life. A major theme is cause and effect.  Great things happen in her life and also terrible things happen in her life.  She asks why. An entire chapter is dedicated to the slogan "Everything happens for a reason."  She asks if the bad things happened to her because she chose an unconventional life.  Well, what is a conventional life?  Is there such a thing as an conventional life?  If so, would you want to live it? I always think normal is a setting on the dryer.  By the way, my dryer is on the fritz.  I dried 3 load of clothes on my deck today.  Was that conventional? Who cares?  I have clean clothes and sheets and towels.  There may be some pollen on them but otherwise they're clean and dry. Rules/schmules!  On the other hand, traffic rules are super important and please follow every single one of them.  Grazie!

Friday, April 27, 2018

Good Morning Mourning Cloak!

This morning we saw a mourning cloak butterfly flutter erratically above the walking path in Blaine. I stopped and grabbed my camera out of my coat pocket.  The butterfly must have been camera shy because it was gone before I could get ready.  Such a welcome sight!

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Spring Bird Sightings

On Monday I saw a bittern standing in a pond in Blaine.  I got pretty excited about that.  Maybe I went overboard. I lovingly slugged my walking companion in the arm and he had to take three quick steps to keep from falling over. The bittern saw me looking at it.  The bittern decided to act like a statue.  One foot was up in mid air and the bird was bent forward and it just stayed in that exact position for a minute and then I walked away saying, "I still see you."  This bittern was the second one I have ever seen so that was awesome. Also exciting was the chipping sparrow I saw on my deck railing Wednesday morning.  I heard a bird and wondered what made that sound when the chipping sparrow just showed up to eat the left-over canary food.  What made that moment even more special was the fact that I was holding Grandgirl #2 in my arms at the time. I think I was more excited than she was but she was smiling too so I could be wrong.

Monday, April 23, 2018

First of Year Bird Sightings

Here are some birds I saw this weekend. I saw white pelicans on Saturday at Wargo Nature Center along with tree swallows and a great blue heron.  I saw bufflehead ducks in the ditch in Lino Lakes. I saw a brown creeper downtown Minneapolis between Sawatee and the Wells Fargo Bank building. Soaring above the brown creeper was a peregrine falcon.  I saw a yellow rumped warbler along West River Road and 24th Ave. SE in Minneapolis. Whew, seeing these birds makes it real.  The long winter must finally be over!

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Earth Day

Today I volunteered at an Earth Day event at Wargo Nature Center with three other friends.  We had a good time.  Finally the weather was nice.I regret I didn't bring a hat to protect my skin from the sunshine.  We stood outside all day talking to people about nature.  I thought the day was strange because one one side of the building kids were sliding down the hill on sleds. On the other side of the building people were boiling maple syrup.  On our side of the building it was sunny and warm. The turnout today was low according to those people who have been here before.  We arrived early so we would have a place to park. We saw a strange fungi on a tree branch.  We looked at the mushroom book and could not figure it out.  We asked several naturalists.  Finally one guy said, "It is an apple coriopsois."  Turns out some one threw an apple core into the air and it landed on a branch.  Oh, how embarassing for a group of master naturalists not to recognize an apple core. One of my friends brought a paper plate.  On it she had a pine cone, a buckthorn berry, an acorn, a maple seed and an oak leaf.  The question was which thing doesn't belong.  People had all kinds of answers and all the answers were correct.  One of my friends brought some of her many pets. She had a bull snake, an albino bull snake, a rat snake, a milk snake, a hog nose snake and another hog nose snake.  She also had a painted turtle, a map turtle, a false map turtle and an snapping turtle. I am a person who appreciates snakes but does not want to hold them.  I tried to stand far away from her but sometimes a snake's forked tongue would come into my personal bubble.  Whew!  When we were packing up she said, "Feel this snake. It's so warm."  I do what I am told.  Why do I do what I am told?  I touch the snake's belly and it pulls in and away from my touch.  I wonder why I tend to be so compliant? She also had a legless lizard-this was the only reptile not from Minnesota.  Whew!  No doubt that thing will haunt my dreams tonight.  In any case, it was nice to be outside.  It was nice to be with friends. It was nice there was no blizzard. Today was a good Earth Day!

Friday, April 20, 2018

Walk In The Park

The last two days it has been nice enough for me to take my noon walk around Laddie Lake in Blaine.  Yesterday there was quite a bit of snow on the path. I told my companion he could go first and if he heard me fall he should come back for me.  We did fine. Today there was very little snow on the path but lots of water. Where we cross 89th Avenue a big puddle of water collects. The speed limit there is 35 mph and when car, bus or truck tires hit that much water at 35 mph the water sprays 15 feet away.  So we stand back until the traffic clears and we can walk across the street without getting sprayed. Snow blankets the ground in the yards and on the lake and in the woods. No leaves are present yet but things are happening. A insect flies across the path.  Birds are singing. I am walking with short sleeves and my jacket over my arm.  Today was a wonderful day for a walk in the park.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Stuck In The Mud

On this day, the 105th day of January, I feel sorry for myself because this winter has been so long.  On the way out to the road to collect the trash cans (because the garbage company cancelled service on my normal Monday due to the blizzard), I pause to use one of my feet to deepen a drainage channel on my gravel driveway.  I stand long enough on one foot, like a flamingo, that my other foot sinks into the class five gravel deep enough to get stuck. I pull my foot up five times and it is still stuck.  Seriously?  How long will I be stuck in my own driveway? I glance down at the vernal pond that forms every spring. I think to myself that it could be worse. A wood frog has it worse than I do.  The thaw/freeze cycle that wood frogs go through on the floor of a forest would be worse than having a boot stuck in the mud for a couple minutes.  Or how about a turtle?  A turtle is stuck in the mud on the bottom of a lake breathing through it's anus.  I would hazard a guess that turtle longs for a breath of fresh air. I put my weight on the side of my foot and pull up again.  I am free at last.

Monday, April 16, 2018

One Purple Shovel

This morning I got up at 5:30 a.m.  I opened the garage door to just make sure my driveway had been plowed as I had asked. "Jiminy Cricket," I said.  No, I swore a blue streak when I saw snow drifts up to  my waist.  I put on my snow pants and started shoveling.  That is right.  I shoveled. My purple shovel and I started shoveling the great quantity of snow.  The snow was brilliant white and not very heavy.  I made quick progress. After an hour I took a break for coffee and oatmeal. Then I went back out there and finished up. The path I shoveled was exactly as wide as a Honda. I had the foresight to park in the garage so I was facing out so I could barrel out of there and take the curve at a good speed.  When the driveway was finished I got dressed, packed my lunch, and headed out. I proceeded down the driveway and the closer I got to the road the happier I got.  That's right folks.  One woman and one purple shovel earned a bravo.  Is that the end of the story? No, the end of the story was at 6:30 p.m. when I was talking to my neighbor.  I showed her the little snow person I had formed in the turn around area of the driveway. What what to my wondering eyes should appear but a snow plower.  He shoved that snow person up and over. In one minute he did more than my purple shovel and I could do in 90 minutes. Oh, the irony, it hurts.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Walk To The Mailbox

I slept well through the blizzard last night.  I awoke early and wondered what was the best course of action for today. How do I spend this day? What would be a wise choice?  I drink some coffee and eat some oatmeal. I check on my chickens.  I shovel out their pen a little bit and give them some warm water and sunflower seeds. I wear my knee high boots and trudge out to the mailbox because I never got the mail yesterday.  My street is plowed.  The snow plow pushed thick snow into my driveway and now the snow is higher than my boots.  I almost fall. I have zero interest in making snow angels. I make it to the street and brush 15 inches of snow off my bright red mailbox.  I open the box expecting junk mail.  Instead I find a greeting card from a relative.  I got a letter in the mail from someone I know!  Suddenly all is well in the world.  Someone thought of me and sent me a letter in the mail. My walk back to the house is much more pleasant because I have a greeting card in the pocket of my coat.

Saturday, April 14, 2018


I went out this morning to check on my chickens. Along the way I noticed who has been visiting my yard by noticing the tracks in the snow.  The blasted calico feral cat has been by. The cat was on my front door step, went down the driveway and up the road.  I wish that cat would move away permanently. I have cut back on feeding my birds because I fear that cat will murder them AGAIN. The deer had been by and next to the deer track I saw an unfamiliar track. The unfamiliar track was a narrow line in the snow about 5 inches long. And the narrow line track was behind several deer tracks. Was some kind of long tailed mouse jumping from one deer track to the next?  Could it be a bird of some kind with a sharp narrow tail?  Further inspection revealed the wind had pushed a blackberry cane back and forth enough times to carve a line in the snow.  It was elementary, my Dear Watson!

She Loves Me

Last night I had plans to participate in a citizen science event that involved listening for owls near Pierz, Minnesota.  That did not happen.  Why did that not happen?  Because Mother Nature played a Friday the 13th prank the weather was unsuitable for being outside and listening for owls.  Plan B involved dinner at a local restaurant followed by cheap tickets for a play at the Lyric Arts theater.  If you come a half hour before show time and if there are tickets left, you can get cheap tickets.  The play was called She Loves Me. Oh, the performance was lively and lovely.  This was just what the doctor ordered - a little bit of local theater to fortify the body and the mind.  My friend drove me back to my car. After a block or so the seat below me suddenly felt warm.  I had a flashback to a winter day 18 years ago.  I was waiting outside Coon Rapids Chrysler Plymouth for this very same friend to pick me up and give me a ride to work.  I had been waiting outside for 10 minutes.  I was seriously thinking of selling this Plymouth and buying a Honda or a Toyota. So I was cold when I got into the Buick.  Being a kind and thoughtful friend, she had pre-heated the passenger seat in the Buick for me. I sat down and felt a great warmth on my nether regions and said, "Oh, Jan. I think I wet my pants." I could think of no other explanation for my warm "south end of a mule walking north." This was my first experience with heated seats. I have always remembered that awkward moment and I told her about it last night.  She had completely forgotten it ever happened.  I suppose I remembered it vividly because I had to confess to a socially awkward behavior.  In any case I imagine the owls near Pierz were clinging to the branches with their talons and riding out the storm just fine.

Friday, April 13, 2018

The Far Side Of The World

Because I was in need of a change of scenery I selected Far Side of the World, a book written by Patrick O'Brian.  The book did take me away from the local area as I drove up and down the highways in my vicinity listening to the exploits of Captain Jack Aubrey and his crew. I especially liked the ship's physician, Dr. Maturin.  Dr. Maturin had a knack for physical clumsiness and another knack for nature. Dr. Maturin would be looking at a blue footed booby, all excited by the turquoise blue feet and bill, and fall off the boat into the sea and that was downright funny. The voyage started out near Gibraltar, went around Cape Horn and ended up at the Galapagos Islands.  When I looked more into it, I came to realize that the movie I saw years ago, "Master and  Commander" was based on this very book.  I think now would be a good time to see that movie again. I think I will try to get a copy of this movie and not look out the window this weekend.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Lilac Girls

Martha Hall Kelly wrote Lilac Girls.  My book club discussed this book last night.  Each chapter is the voice of a different woman.  Caroline is a socialite in New York City. Kasia lives in Poland. One woman, Herta, lives in Germany. This is historical fiction and Herta Oberheuser is an infamous woman during World War Two. I am still learning history.   For me, historical fiction is a more palatable option for me to increase my knowledge.  You should read this book.  The topic isn't always pleasant. There were moments where I got really uncomfortable and then the author would bring my level of angst back down to a reasonable level where I could continue reading.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018


I am excited for tonight because it is book club night.  It is my turn to bring treats.  Since the book we are reading is set in New York City, Connecticut, and Poland I am bring Eastern European treats. I am bring beet broth and I am bringing Prizhky. I found the recipe for Prizhky on the BBC website under Eastern European cuisine.  The recipe calls for mushroom, chestnuts and apple.  My prizhky is made with mushroom, mixed nuts and apple.  I used leeks instead of shallots but otherwise I pretty much followed the recipe. I used pre-made dough I found in the freezer section at the grocery store. I have already eaten one and they are delicious! 

Carry Albrt Home

Homer Hickam wrote Carrying Albert Home.  This is the story of Homer and Elsie who are newly married.  They go on a trip together to take a wedding gift, an alligator named Albert, home to Florida.  This folksy tale seems incredible at times.  Elsie is an interesting character. She is feisty and opinionated and annoying. Homer, on the other hand, is loyal, true, brutally honest, and also annoying.  This is a book to confound you.  This is a book that illustrates that what is a weakness can also be a strength and vice versa.

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Birds of a Fitted Sheet

Today I decided to take advantage of the April sunshine as I cleaned my house. First the throw rugs went outside to be shaken.  I hung them over the deck rails. Next the bed pillows set outside to freeze the dust mites to death (or at least give them hypothermia).  After that the bed sheets were hung out to dry.  I put the fitted sheet over the post that holds the suet feeder. After seeing a raccoon nibbling on the suet and after spending $3 per week for the winter season I decided it was time the woodpeckers became less dependent on me. No more suet until next fall. The rest of the laundry was hung on a drying rack.  A couple shirts were hanging on hangers out there. In summary, the deck was decked out in wet laundry and rugs.  The deck seemed crowded but it smelled good out there.  First the clothes froze and then they dried. Steam rose into the air from my socks and shirts. Some people like their clothes soft and scented. I like my clothes unscented, stiff and a little scratchy. Later, as I was mopping the floor next to the deck a sudden movement caught my eye. A downy woodpecker landed on my fitted sheet.  Another downy woodpecker came barreling and also landed on my fitted sheet. The two woodpeckers were agitated and possibly fighting.  Those crazy birds! I just had to laugh out loud.  I did appreciate the laugh though.  Maybe I should buy one more hunk of suet?

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Better Luck Next Time

A woman waits by the gate.  She wears a heavy coat.  The hood on the coat has furry trim.  With a scarf over her mouth she opens the gate. Four women and a man follow her into the secure area.  The six people proceed single file down a plowed road.  Several large buildings loom in the darkness as it is now 8 p.m. on a cold spring night.  The sound of a county truck backing up repeats over and over and over again.  The wind blows about six miles per hour. The sky is clear of clouds. A ravine is on the right side of the road.  The group walks further and the road is no longer plowed.  The woman leads the group and most of them follow in her foot steps because the snow is deep.  Walking in a path broken by another person is easier than walking side by side. The ravine ends and is replaced by an oak savannah from where Lexington Avenue can be seen in the distance.  The woman leads the group west and up a slight incline.  The snow is about six inches deep.  The snow has drifted into patterns.  Some areas have only 3 inches of snow and some areas have 10 inches of snow. The wind has carved a pattern into the snow at the top of a mound.  The pattern looks like a 5 foot long spider. As the boots move with each step the snow rises up and splashes forward almost like liquid water. The woman stops and the rest of the group stops behind her.  In silence the group listens and looks around in all directions.  The woman pulls out her phone and plays the sound of a bird named the woodcock.  There is no response.  In the distance the snow is unbroken in a big bowl in the land.  No trees or grass are seen in the big bowl; only the unbroken thick layer of snow.  The big bowl was created by a gravel pit.  As the group waits in silence the light of the sun becomes dimmer and dimmer.  After 90 minutes of waiting the group trudges back to the gate.  The woman locks the gate behind the group.  Everyone struggles to get into their vehicles because their heavy clothes restrict full movement of their limbs. We surmise it was just too cold tonight for woodcocks to think about mating or dancing or calling out to each other.  Better luck next time.  Many woodcocks live in the former ammo plant but on this night, in this cold weather, they were keeping their mouths shut.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

First Killdeer of the Year

Today, after work, I thought about hibernating.  Instead I went to the gym. Snow has fallen steady all day long. I thought that since my plow contract ended on the weekend I could get plenty of exercise shoveling the driveway.  Instead I went to the gym.  As I walked down the sidewalk with the snow blowing sideways into my right ear I saw a little bird scuttling around the corner. "What are you doing here?" I ask the little killdeer.  Poor little bird probably got confused in the snow storm and mistook a black, wet, shiny, salty parking lot for a lake.  Normally, seeing the first killdeer of the year is a pleasant experience but not this year.

Monday, April 2, 2018

Maybe Hibernation Is A Good Idea?

Is it a full moon out there under this thick blanket of clouds?  I have seen some weird things today.  My adrenaline went full tilt at 8 a.m. when a woman slammed a door next to my office so hard a light fixture fell off a cubicle storage shelf. Next I saw a id badge fly through the air.  I swear it was airborne for 8 to 10 feet. I stood there with wide eyes like a deer in the head lights.  After a half hour I had shook off that shocked feeling.  Throughout the day I have talked to people who have told me some very strange stories. Seriously, I could write a book. I made it home safe after a strange transaction at Menards where I had to show my identification to pick up a water heater I had already paid for.  I had to ask, "You need to know I can drive so I can have hot water?"  With the snow falling so fast and so furiously and so unrelenting, I feel like I am in a white padded room.  Right now I have a plumber in my lower level fixing some things and he's making noises that I usually don't hear.  Pretty soon he's going to ask me to go into that nasty well room again to turn the water back on.  I must point out that my 40 year old water heater was a fine water heater and it was still working fairly well. As soon as the plumber leaves and I get my car into the garage, I think I will crawl into bed and pretend I am a black bear in a den.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

March Went Out Like a Lion

The end of March was a blustery day.  Here is a short video of "my" herd of deer. The pattern is to gather near the river in the evening and head west in the morning.  Here they are, in the background, heading west in the morning. Sometimes the herd has as many as 18 in it.  This video only shows a six pack.

The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...