Tuesday, April 10, 2018


I am excited for tonight because it is book club night.  It is my turn to bring treats.  Since the book we are reading is set in New York City, Connecticut, and Poland I am bring Eastern European treats. I am bring beet broth and I am bringing Prizhky. I found the recipe for Prizhky on the BBC website under Eastern European cuisine.  The recipe calls for mushroom, chestnuts and apple.  My prizhky is made with mushroom, mixed nuts and apple.  I used leeks instead of shallots but otherwise I pretty much followed the recipe. I used pre-made dough I found in the freezer section at the grocery store. I have already eaten one and they are delicious! 

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Puerto Vallarta

Today I went on a Grayline Tour of Puerto Vallarta where we visited 2 tequila factories and I had a mango margarita for lunch. Ai! Carumba! ...