Friday, November 2, 2018

Talk To The Wrist

This morning I had a meeting. I was the oldest person in the room. Three people were in their 50's.  Two others were in their 20's.  One of the 20 somethings got a phone call.  He excused himself and stepped out of the meeting room.  I could see, through the window on the door, his profile as he talked to whomever was on the phone.  He had his phone in one hand but he was speaking into his watch.  He has an Apple watch.  He was looking straight ahead and talking into his watch.  Just. Like. Dick. Tracy! If you don't know, Dick Tracy was a comic strip about a police detective that started in the 1930's and ended in the 1970's.  As I watched this fellow talk to his wrist, I realized that I am officially old.

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Costa Rica

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