Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A New Awareness

I have had the opportunity to work out with equipment the past 3 weeks. I have been stepping for a half hour on the recumbent stepper. Then I lift weights; arm curls, bicep curls, arm extensions, ab crunches, etc. The first few repetitions seem easy but by the 10th, 11th and 12th repetition on the second set, my muscles are quivering. I had a busy and drama filled day at work so this was a good way to work off some of that tension before going home. Tonight, as I go about my normal activities like walking the dog, moving the sprinkler, watering the plants, feeding the canary, I have a new awareness of the muscle fibers in my arms and upper back. I'm feeling muscles that I wasn't aware of before. My muscles don't hurt exactly. I'm just aware of using them now. It's a good thing.

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An Honest Mistake

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