Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I Confess. I Have A Big Mouth

The Scene?  A local bank.  The Time?  After work.  The Business at The Bank?  Buying a bank product unrelated my to checking or savings account.  What did the Bank Official Say?  She told me to initial a particular line indicating that overdrafts charges are $28 per day.  She said federal regulations require that I sign this line even though overdrafts are not possible with the bank product I was purchasing.  What Did My Big Mouth Say?  (loudly) Twenty Eight Dollars A Day?  A Day?  Twenty Eight Dollars?  OUCH! (I notice heads turning to look at me so I lower my voice to a normal tone and continue) You guys must really be raking in the money on people who don't make good decisions.  The Bank Officials Response?  Well, some of these young kids,  they write a check for the rent and then they don't get paid for two weeks.  We banks have to get some money to pay the light bill.

My mouth stayed shut on that one but as my eyes rolled up in my head I did notice they do have a lot of lights on at the bank.  Fluorescent.


Cajo said...

You went to TCF for your CD? They have as low a rate as Wells Fargo does.

Sue said...

Nope. I got .7% which is way more than .05

Book Of The Little Axe

 Lauren Frances-Sharma is the author of Book Of The Little Axe: A Novel. I just finished reading it today. The story starts out in the late ...