Monday, January 2, 2012

A Snowy Walk

Snow fell on New Year's Eve. I went outside to explore the snow about 9 in the evening.  The flakes were huge and three dimensional.  Each flake was as large as a  tablespoon and melted onto my jacket.  No wind blew and the atmosphere was very quiet except for the splotchy flakes of snow falling.  I walked on the paths I have mowed through the front yard, into the woods to the east of the house, down the hill to the side street, up the hill past the compost pile, and along the southern property edge.  The Christmas lights my neighbors displayed were blurred and made prettier by the falling snow.  When I wanted to taste some clean snow, I didn't have to use my hands.  Each branch and twig held a convenient mouthful for me.  I checked on Meredith as I walked by.  She was cozy and warm on her fresh pile of wood shavings.  The snow, it deadens all sounds and wipes away all mistakes and imperfections, temporarily making our world fresh and clean.  Sometimes snow can be magical.

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