Saturday, January 14, 2012

More Pictures From Ecuador (underwater)

I had dinner last night with my friend. She shared her pictures from the Galapagos Islands.  She is an awesome photographer and she had a very nice camera.  Enjoy!
Sea turtle photo taken underwater.  Yes, we were that close.
This is an alien from outer space.  No, wait, that could be me.
This is the south end of a marine iguana swimming north.  I can see it's tail and right hind leg.
This is a ray.  They hide under the sand sometimes and are hard to see.
This is my friend. She has extremely large and wide feet.  Our guide swam deep enough to get this photo. I tried to do it but it is really hard to swim down in salt water.
Prettily colored coral on Kicker Rock.  My friend has a nice underwater camera. The colors were breathtaking.

Here are a school of fish we saw while snorkeling in shallower waters.

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