This morning I got up at 5 a.m. to go birdwatching. I let the chickens out of the coop very early. I watched them just for a few minutes and saw Dwight moving his head and neck. I thought at first he was going to puke. Instead he let out a croaky sounding "Coor!" He did the same posturing and sounds 4 more times. I think he was trying to crow. Then he rushed at the smaller chickens, Pamela and Kelly, while they tried to get away from him. Angela is never affected by his aggressiveness; she totally ignores him. Meredith doesn't pay much mind either. Phyllis will move out of his way but she isn't as timid as Kelly and Pamela. Dwight is about 10 weeks old now and already becoming a rooster.
Bird watching was fun but I got cold. Despite wearing a winter coat and a rain coat, my bones got cold and achy. By the end of the bird watching on the wildlife drive at Sherburne National Wildlife Center, I started to think we had better see something worthwhile for me to get out of the car. I wasn't willing to get out for another chipping sparrow. I can see that at home on the deck railing from the comfort of my kitchen chair. It was so cold not many birds allowed us to see them. We did see sandhill cranes, Canadian geese, chipping sparrow, redstarts, yellow warblers, indigo bunting, eagles, Eastern Kingbird, phoebe, red winged blackbirds, yellow headed blackbirds,and morning doves. My biggest accomplishment was learning the sound that a red eyed vireo makes. I didn't see it but I memorized it's song because it is a song I've heard many times and in many places. For this accomplishment, I earned the bird leader's pat on the back. He hands out only 3 or 4 pats on the back per year so it's a big deal.
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