Sunday, September 20, 2009

Haralson Apples

When I got home from the store today I saw someone mowing my lawn. Offspring #1 came by to take over that chore. I am so lucky to have the kids I do. Later I found him up a tree. He had climbed the apple tree to get the best looking apples. Now I have a crisper full of Haralson apples too. Because I don't spray, the apples aren't the pretty ones you see in the store. Mine have splotchy skins and several have worms. Most of them are delicious. Just yesterday I saw a 3 point buck enjoying a dozen or so apples. He chewed contentedly even though he saw me watching him with my binoculars. This buck had a white ring around his nose and a huge growth on his right shoulder. He looked like he had a tennis ball under his skin. His girlfriend and her twins were frolicking nearby. I don't mind the deer eating apples. It saves me from having to pick them up off the ground and put them in the compost bin. The tree gave us a good crop this year. There are enough apples for everybody.


Anonymous said...

I just picked some Haralsons at one of my brother's house Sunday, Boy are they good. You are right, they may not look like the ones in the store, but I know they have not been handled. Better yet, they were FREE.

Sue said...

Free is always good in my book!


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