Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Chicken Crossed The Road Again

This time she crossed the road in the backseat of my Honda Civic. Meredith, my eloping orange hen, has been roosting on my neighbor's porch. The neighbor noticed the droppings before she noticed the hen. I got home from book club about 9:20 p.m. and listened to two messages on my answering machine. Both messages were from my neighbors who saw my sign and told me where my hen was. My neighbor, nearly directly across the street, took 8 green eggs as a reward. I scooped Meredith into my arms without a struggle. Chickens get very stupid and passive as soon as the sun goes down. I petted her and took her home. I put her in the coop with her sisters (Pamela, Phyllis, and Kelly). I'm actually surprised Meredith is still alive. She must be resilient. I'm glad to have her back. People have been asking about her and asking if I found her. I would say, "No." And then I would get a sad face look. So I would respond, "It's just a chicken." But now that she's back, I can say she was more than just a chicken. She's Meredith. And Meredith is home again.


Cajo said...

YAY!!! I'm glad she's alive!

Sue said...

You get to take some of the credit for her return. thanks!

An Honest Mistake

  Today I went to the West Shores YMCA where I have been a member since last winter. After exercising on the second floor I came back down t...