Thursday, October 1, 2009

Example Why We Need Health Care Reform

Yesterday I decided on a prescription. Backwards, right? I'm working with two medically trained professionals. One was a licensed pharmacist. The other was an eye doctor. I myself have very little medical training. I can give you CPR and rescue breathing but that is about it. Yet I decided which medicine I should take to treat my allergic conjunctivitis. This is why we need health care reform. Several weeks ago my physician gave me a sample eye medicine to try. The sample worked great. My eyes were soothed immediately. I asked for a prescription. I went to pick it up and they said, "That will be $110." !?!! After some discussion and the showing of my cards for the two medical insurance policies for which I pay big bucks, she got it down to $60. That was still too much for me to pay per month. I'd rather have red, itchy eyes than pay $720 per year. The pharmacist offered to call the doc and ask for another medication that would be on my insurance company drug formulary. The pharmacist did not have any suggestions as she does not have the formulary to look at. She called my doc. My doc calls me later and says she got the request but the insurance company refused to tell her the formulary. She said the only option was to keep calling in prescriptions and having the pharmacy fill them and finding out that way which drugs were on the formulary list. She mentioned one other drug name before the tape on my answering was full and she was cut off. I wasn't sure what to do so I googled my insurance company drug formulary and saw the name of the medication she mentioned on my answering machine. I asked her to prescribe that for me. She did. I picked it up today. I'm only paying $360 a year but my eyes feel great already. This system is crazy. The difference between paying the entire cost of both medications is less than two dollars. How much did it cost to take up the time of the pharmacist and the eye doctor? Certainly more than two dollars. I think we need reform. I've written to my congresswoman about it and asked her to keep my position in mind when she votes and when she makes public speeches. From the sound of it, Michelle Bachman didn't get my message.


Kathleen Riley said...

I would be surprised if Michele Bachmann paid attention to your message -- although she probably received it.

I tried for the tele-town-hall -- which may be some bizarre tele-tubby meeting -- and when I wanted to be added, there was lots of clicking and then a recorded message saying she was sorry she missed me.

Good luck with the eye meds. Is there a veterinary version you could use? How far is Canada?

Sue said...

I guess she doesn't pay attention to us voters.

The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...