Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Update On Meredith

My "Mary Had A Little Lamb" plan was actually a "Little Bo Peep" plan. Neither nursery rhyme plan is working because Meredith still hasn't come home. Offspring #2, upset and worried, put a notice on facebook about Meredith. Lo and behold, she has been spotted in the tonier part of my neighborhood down the hill and along the river. Meredith may be lost but she's not stupid. If I were to choose a new neighborhood, I'd choose the riverfront property as well. I went looking for her but couldn't find her. A neighbor allowed me to search his back yard and to set out some chicken feed for her. I hope she comes back to that spot. I think I'll make a sign that says, "LOST CHICKEN, orange hen, call Sue, Reward."


Dianne said...

Sure hope she comes back wagging her feathers behind her!!!!

Sue said...

Me too.

The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...