Saturday, November 6, 2010


Twice last week I heard people use the word "organic" and I didn't know what they meant.  One was a man describing his rock music band.  He was asked how the group got together and he said they came together organically.  I had no idea what he meant by that. The other time I was watching a television show about an artist on the North Shore.  He made huge wall hangings out of glass.  He made his own glass to go on these pieces of art.  He said the ideas for his art pieces were organic.  I was confused so I looked up what organic meant.  I knew it was more than food grown without pesticides.  I knew organic could mean related or an organ or an organism. Those definitions did not seem to make sense when applied to music or art.  It turns out there are a couple more definitions or organic.  Organic can be "forming an integral part of a whole or fundamental; having system organization of parts; or having the characteristics of an organism."  This definition might explain the members of a rock band.  Maybe all the members joined at the same time instead of one after another.  Maybe the glass artist pictured the entire piece of art organized by the smaller sections.   Another definition of organic is "relating to or constituting the law by which a government or organization exists."  If you want to know what I think, I think organic is a new and popular buzzword that people throw around similar to how "proactive" was used in the 1980's. 

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