Monday, November 22, 2010

Trees To Admire

This year I had paid notice and admired three kinds of trees.  One is the tamarack because of their beautiful butterscotch gold color.  Another is the weeping willow.  Their gaudy orange-yellow leaves really stand out these days.  The third kind of tree isn't a specific species. I've been looking closely and found some are cottonwood and some are silver maple and some are aspen.  I'm talking about the kind of tree often seen on roadsides.  I tried to get a good picture but I guess I didn't try hard enough.  Shooting photos while driving is dangerous.  The one above was taken at a long red light.  What I like about this kind of tree is the way it holds onto those last leaves. It's as if the tree is being dragged into winter kicking and screaming.  The branches all reach upward to the sky.  The tips of each branch hold onto the last few green leaves with all their might.

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