Friday, November 12, 2010

Theory Better Than Implementation

How the feeder looked before it smashed into pieces.
Tomorrow begins the 2010-2011 Project Feederwatch season.  I wanted to be all ready to go.  Yesterday I filled up my small birdfeeder and my larger birdfeeder (see above).  I have the larger birdfeeder strung on a wire high above the yard so the squirrels don't get at it. Last year I battled the squirrels with a super soaker.  While it was satisfying to dampen squirrels this only worked on weekends.  During the week they ate as much as they wanted.  This year I'm using scientific know how.  It's working too.   I haven't seen a single squirrel on this birdfeeder.  When I went to fill the larger birdfeeder yesterday, the wire broke.  The feeder, full of 5 pounds of black sunflower seeds, went crashing to the ground and broke into pieces spilling sunflower seeds all over the grass.  This is the second time I've spilled this thing.  Overall, the squirrels are getting more  black sunflower seeds than they usually get. I'm spreading the seed conveniently on the grass for them so they don't have to climb for their food.  But I'm still winning because the squirrels are staying off the birdfeeder.  So I am still winning.  I went to the hardware store and bought some neon colored nylon cord that can hold 50 pounds.  And I bought another covered platform feeder. The important thing is that I am still winning.

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