Sunday, November 7, 2010

What Bird Is This?

A friend of mine sent me this photo of a bird and asked what I thought it was.  He said it was larger than a kingbird and very blue with dark markings and a distinct mask.  I thought it looked like a shrike because of the lighter chin and neck, the dark wings with white spots and the dark mask.  And shrikes are known to perch on fence posts.  Shrikes have a thick bill with a hook on the end. My friend is familiar with shrikes and he didn't think it was one because the color was so blue.  I got a few opinions on facebook and both opinions were shrike.  Personally I would love to see a shrike.  I have never seen one.  They are known to prey on larger insects and other birds.  I really don't  understand why they're not in the raptor family.  One distinct thing that shrikes do is impale their victims on thorns or the barb of a barb wire fence to snack on later.  Such treacherous masked birds!  I want to see one.

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