Wednesday, November 10, 2010

MacGyver Mouse

Last night, when I got home from book club, I heard noises downstairs.  Earlier I had set a glue trap in the laundry room.  I sensed mice in the house.  I usually get at least a couple mice in the house this time of year.  I heard something rattling around in the laundry room and I suspected it was a mouse on a glue trap.  It was late and I was tired.  I hate dealing with mice.  I hate seeing the results of my cruelty in setting out the glue traps.  I decided I would deal with it in the morning.  So this morning I went into the laundry room on tiptoe, dreading the scene.  One of the glue traps had moved.  In fact, the trap was missing.  Sometimes a mouse will get it's back legs stuck on the glue trap and use the front legs to propel itself around.  I looked around.  I found the glue trap at the bottom of the laundry tub. The trap had mouse hair over more than half of the surface.  One edge of the plastic glue trap was completely bitten off. But the mouse was gone.  How did that happen?  How can a mouse remove itself from a glue trap?  I can only conclude that it MacGyvered itself out of danger.  I actually did not watch the old television series MacGyver.  I've only seen it parodied on the Simpsons.  Patty and Selma (Marge's sisters) love MacGyver.  Anyway MacGyver is the kind of guy who takes nearby items and applies his scientific mind to rescue himself.  The way I see it, the mouse chewed off a sliver of the plastic tray of the blue trap and used it's teeth to cut it's fur from the trap or, and here is another possibility, it used the sharp piece of plastic to shave itself which would also detach it from the trap.  There is no hope of getting rid of this Mac Gyver Mouse now.  It's a genius.

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