Friday, October 11, 2013


Fall, as a season, is aptly named.  Things fall in the fall.  I keep thinking someone is at the front door but it's only the black walnuts falling on the roof of the garage.  It's really time to trim that tree back so it doesn't extend over the house.  One of my maple trees is at peak color of golden orange.  The other maple tree is getting to peak color fast with a major change from yesterday to today. The leaves nearest the trunk are a juicy green while the color changes to a luscious yellow in the middle of the branches and to a golden yellow at the tips of the branches.  The three colors combine to one juicy looking tree.  The tree looks so handsome that I can hardly imagine tapping it in the spring. The hackberry trees are already bare.  Their leaves crisped into an ugly brown and fell off first.  Some of the leaves on the red oak are painted scarlet but most are still green.  The crab apple  tree leaves are half green and half yellow which make the red and orange fruits stand out like lights on a Christmas tree.  The sumac is scarlet.  In the past few days about half the leaves have fallen off my trees.  Even the morning sky is colorful.  The sunrise the past two days have been a breath taking combination of pink, peach, blue, and indigo that almost make me glad the days are getting shorter.

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