Monday, September 22, 2014

All Connected

I had a physically challenging weekend with biking, lifting, carrying and toting.  Despite asking my body to perform above and beyond the normal call of duty, I wasn't in a lot of pain relatively speaking.  Today I went swimming after work.  I reach forward with my right arm, left arm, right arm, left arm, kick and breathe.  Repeat over and over again.  All that reaching seems to work out the kinks and knots. I push the water below and behind me.  I feel less like separate joints in various states of discomfort and more like one whole organism.  Swimming exercises the whole me including my lungs and my heart.  Sharp edges are sanded smooth with each lap back and forth.  Right arm, left arm, right arm, left arm and breath and kick making my body whole again.  Shoulders and hips connect my back to my extremities.  Other exercise doesn't have the same body connecting benefits.

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