Tuesday, September 16, 2014

End Of A Season

I believe summer is over.  There is a nip in the air and, as you can see in the photo near the Anoka library, color in some of the trees.  I wanted this summer to be great.  I wanted this summer to make up for the summer of last year when I was recovering from a leg injury.  I believe the summer of 2014 was a great one for me.  The weather was good although rainy.  We had some heat but not too much.  Stormy weather was at a minimum.  I can't remember hearing the tornado sirens other than on tornado awareness day.  I had a really good mixture of activities.  I went camping 3 weekends and a full week.  So I had plenty of time sleeping on the ground.  I went on a couple nice, long bike rides.  I went kayaking quite a few times as well.  The warm weekends in early September helped achieve all these great adventures.  The garden was good but not great.  I haven't harvested the carrots, potatoes, kohlrabi or gourds yet but I got plenty of jalapeno peppers.  The sunflowers, as usual, were ruined by the deer.  This year the deer teased me by waiting until the sunflower was 3 feet tall before biting the top off of it.  I grew castor beans hoping for a "Jack in the Beanstalk" type of giant plant.  But my castor beans are about knee high.  In any case, it was a good summer.  I hate to see it end but it was a good summer.  I enjoyed it very much.

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