Monday, March 13, 2017


This book by Jon Krakauer was a hard book to read.  The subject is a hard one.  Despite my advanced age and years of experience as a volunteer sexual assault advocate, I was disturbed by this book.  I was riveted too.  Missoula: Rape And The Justice System In A College Town is a page-turner.  The information within is graphic but necessary.  I am astounded to learn how difficult it is for women to fight for justice in this day and age and how loyal football fans can be.  I guess loyal isn't the right word because a loyal fan could also want all players to be held accountable for their actions.  I remember when I first heard about "blaming the victim" in the 1970's.  I thought, since that emotional response has been identified, it won't happen any more.  Wrong.  I was very wrong.  Lawyers use that victim blaming emotional response in trials to confuse the jury and acquit the defendants. How victims react to being raped varies.  There is no wrong way to react to such a traumatic event.  This book was very enlightening.  I am sad to see that Kirsten Pabst is still the county attorney in Missoula.  I'm glad I read this book.  I don't want all the books I read to be "feel good" stories with happy endings.  But I will definitely choose a lighter subject for my next one.

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