Saturday, January 4, 2020

Tiny and Harmless

When I retired from my job I cleaned my office well. I removed dust that had been there a long time. Using windex and paper towels I cleaned inside the file cabinet and inside the lateral files. I even vacuumed the floor.I answered all my phone calls. I answered my last email which was a great email to get. This email was from a family member who heard I was retiring and wanted to thank me for always answering his questions and responding in a timely manner. Who could ask for a better last email that that?! I trained in my replacement and emailed him forms I thought he would find useful.  I finished all the paperwork in my mail box. I even vacuumed the floor of my office because I know the cleaning crew does not do that. All in all I acted as a model employee except for one tiny harmless prank. See the blue over head bins in the photo?  The one on the left has two pieces of blue ribbon stapled to it? Inside the overhead bin and contained by the blue ribbon are a half dozen 2 inch rubber balls I bought at the dollar store. Come Monday morning or whenever he happens to open that overhead bin, those six balls are going to come forward and bounce on the work station and on the floor. I can just hear this guy's laugh in my head because he has a hearty and distinctive laugh. Everybody has to have some fun, am I right?


PCRalph said...

I was off Monday so i missed whether he opened the lid and got the surprise! Knowing hm as we do I'm sure he appreciated it.

PCRalph said...
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An Honest Mistake

  Today I went to the West Shores YMCA where I have been a member since last winter. After exercising on the second floor I came back down t...