Monday, August 19, 2013

A Plan of Action

I have  a plan of action regarding the fox attacks on the chickens.  I have thought long and hard about it.  I asked for advice.  I weighed all the options.  And then today I came up with a brand new idea and went with it.  I thought about moving the chickens to another location for a month or so, using electric fencing, using a live trap, assassination of the fox, poisoning the fox, buying a rooster, setting mousetraps in the lawn around the coop, blocking the chicken's view of the outdoors, using my paintball gun, buying a bb or pellet gun, and buying a dart gun.  I was actually googling dart guns when I saw an image of a slingshot.  Perfect!  I immediately thought back to the lodge I visited in Africa.  We could hear elephants frolicking in the river. Baboons kept sneaking onto the open air dining room.  A young Masai warrior stood guard with his slingshot.  And this young man was good.  He was accurate and attentive.  Whenever his attention wandered, like when someone was talking to him, the baboons would sneak in and head for the bread baskets and the buffet table.  If we saw the baboons near the buffet table we would wave at the warrior and he would pop off the slingshot and those baboons would take off running.  It was great sport and really added to the enjoyment of the evening.  So that is what I want to be - like a warrior - protecting my chickens from the big bad fox without killing it, without trapping it and separating it from it's family.  The salesman at Dick's sporting goods also suggested "bear mace."  He said it would keep a fox away.  But the smell would not be good for the chickens.  He also warned me that I could make the fox angry and it could turn on me.  Okay, that is a worrisome thought.  But do you really think the fox would be angry enough to run up the deck steps after me?  I doubt it. 

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