Friday, August 9, 2013

Feels So Good

Yesterday the doc gave me the ok to go back to the gym.  I walked in there this afternoon with 10 various aches and pains. When I walked out I only had two pains - the bruise on my shin and the bruise on top of my left hand where I got IV antibiotics last week.  After weeks of being a couch potato, exercise felt great.  I took it easy though.  I spent only 15 minutes on the recumbent bike followed by 30 minutes lifting weights.  I lost a lot of muscle tone in the past few weeks. My thunder thighs were flapping like granny's bloomers hanging on the wash line as I biked along.  I reduced the amount I lifted on every machine.  The long row machine is the one that felt the best.  This machine stretches and pulls at all the muscles in my back.  Normally I don't notice the effect of it but today I could feel every single flabby muscle contract and retract and it feels so good.

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