Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Favorite Sounds

I've been thinking about my favorite sounds today after hearing a flock of Canadian geese fly by.  Besides Canadian geese honking, I also like to hear the "plop" when jelly jars form a tight seal, babies crying (not toddlers; just babies), the first red winged blackbird in the spring, the sound of thunder (especially when it's a really long thunder), the sound of a lady's dress shoes on the stone floor of a church, the sound of a steady rain when I'm in bed going to sleep, the purring sound my broody hen makes when I push her off the eggs she's sitting on, bird song, Rod Steward (goes without saying), the sound of my Honda engine turning over on a super cold day, voice messages from family and friends (especially my friend Debbie who makes her messages rhyme and not always on purpose), my canary Migwe, my local red shouldered hawk, and the sound of people singing the Happy Birthday song.

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