Thursday, July 2, 2020

Hike To Stewart River Campsite

Today I hiked southbound from the Reeves Road Trail Head to the Stewart River campsite. But first I had to pass the Reeves Falls Campsite.

I found some more moose scat. Although this was not as exciting as the first time I saw moose scat it was still exciting. What was a moose doing up here on a rocky outcrop?

Here I come to a tunnel under the railroad tracks. I wasn't sure if these tracks were still being used but on my walk back I heard a train go by so I guess they are still being used.

Two white admiral butterflies posed for a picture by the bridge


Those small rounded pebbles by my feet are taconite pellets that fell off of the train.

This is the bridge over the Stewart River. This hike is taking a long time. I decide that I am heading back to my car at 1 p.m. whether I make it to the Stewart River Campsite or not.

I made it to the Stewart River Campsite. I use the latrine and check my phone for the time which is 12:47. Wow, I made it with 3 minutes to spare. I turn around and head back. As I walk back I eat my peanut butter sandwich and mandarin oranges. When I left the temperature was 71 degrees. When I returned to my car it is 91 degrees. No wonder I am so wrung out. I stop in Two Harbors to buy a Diet A&W rootbeer for the drive home. My new total on the trail adding the 5.9 miles today is 69.3. I have 263.7 miles left to go.

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