Tuesday, July 14, 2020

The End Of Life Book Club

During the last couple years of his mother's life, Will Schwalbe formed a two person book club with his mother, Mary Ann Schwalbe. She was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and they discussed books at her chemo appointments. Both of them would recommend books to read. Both Mary Ann and Will already read a lot of books. His mother was an educator and a charity worker. During her illness she set up a library in Afghanistan. Will worked for a book publisher as an editor. Some of the books they read together are ones I have already read and liked. Others were new to me. I think it's touching that a son is so close to his mother. His admiration of her is very evident. Mary Ann had a quirky habit of always reading the last chapter of any book before starting again at the beginning. I do the same thing but only with mystery books. I really enjoyed The End Of Life Book Club

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