Saturday, August 8, 2020

Sammie And Budgie

 Scott Semegran is the author of To Squeeze A Prairie Dog and Sammie And Budgie. I just now realized that Sammie and Budgie is the third in a trilogy about the father, Simon Burchwood. I liked the book about the genuine love between Simon and his two children, Sammie and Jessey. As a single  parent who works full time for the Texas state government IT department, he has his hands full. Simon narrates the story in a wry and quirky manner. His ten year old son, Sammie, is a special kid. Sammie is sensitive and literal and some times it appears Sammie can foretell the future. Jessey is an active, fearless, strong six year old girl with a brown belt in karate. I liked the book but there were a half dozen times when I cringed at the obvious, over-the-top stretch for a minute of humor.

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The Winter People

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