Sunday, August 9, 2020

What Is Left Of Me Is Yours

 Last week I read an article on the BBC News website about a Japanese service called wakaresaseya, otherwise known as relationship saboteurs. For a fee you can hire someone to seduce your spouse or your spouse's partner in order to get a divorce. Proof of infidelity is necessary for contested divorces in Japan. How crazy is it that you can hire someone pose as a romantically interested person to court your own spouse? I think that is really insane.So when I came upon the book, What is Left Of Me Is Yours, by Stephanie Scott, I wanted to read it. This book is based upon the 2010 murder of a Japanese wife by a hired relationship saboteur. In this case the saboteur wanted to have a relationship with her. Once she found out why he got to know her she wanted nothing to do with him. As she was in the process of leaving he killed her. After that murder the wakaresaseya services were regulated and much less available. But now such services are advertised again. Normally I am not a fan of crime books but this was a good one. I enjoyed reading about the culture, the food, and the landscape of Tokyo.

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...