Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Spirit Mountain

Today I had a short hike from the Spirit Mountain trail head back to Kingsbury Creek. Spirit Mountain is a city owned ski hill, zipline, alpine ride and campground. The facility is presently closed due to the virus. I parked there and started walking uphill along Knowlton Creek.

I had a few thimble berries and raspberries for a snack.

As I hike along I usually keep my eyes on the path so I avoid tripping or stumbling. Sometimes other hikers get surprisingly close before I notice them. Today I saw the most bizarre hiking group I have ever seen before. A silver haired lady was leading a small donkey on a leash and a gray haired man behind her had a larger donkey also on a leash. I stepped off the path to let them through. I had a huge smile on my face and I was chuckling. The woman said she had Jane and the other donkey was Jimmy. I said, "Hello there Jane and Jimmy! Have a good hike!" Where they were leading these donkeys was unknown. At the trail head parking area there was one other compact car there besides mine. I was tempted to ask if they could make one of the donkeys heehaw since I love that sound but I didn't. 

On the way back I stopped to admire Knowlton Creek. I wonder where they get the names for all these creeks.

Today I added two miles making my  new total on the Superior Hiking Trail 116.6. I have 215.9 left to go.

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...