Sunday, February 12, 2023

Blunn Creek

Today is my last full day in Austin and I have been driving quite a few miles. Today I thought I would stick closer to home. I hiked the Blunn Creek Nature Preserve which is only 5 miles away. The trail loops around the creek and I forded the stream 4 times. I had my coffee cup in my hand but once I saw how steep it was I put the coffee away and got out my handy dandy hiking sticks.

I hiked to the top of this volcanic hill. I was listening to the birds and I used my Birdnet App on my phone. I now know the sound of the Carolina wren now. The Carolina wren says, "I wanna eat! I wanna eat! I wanna eat right now!" The phone told me I was listening to a tufted titmouse and an Eastern Screech Owl. I didn't hear it make the sound of a miniature horse so I guess I heard a mated pair doing the tremolo purring trill of 35 notes in 3 to 5 seconds. Score an owl for me today! Whew! Bird of the day? Eastern Screech Owl.

I was here for an hour and met only 1 other person during that time.

What a jewel right in the city! By the time I was done it was nearly 11 o'clock so I drove to the nearest Planet Fitness for another free trial. I really like Planet Fitness now. I didn't finish there until nearly 1 p.m. so I drove back hoping the Sicilian food truck would be open. Rats, they didn't open until 2. I got a great falafel plate of food for only 5 dollars. I had 4 falafel, two kinds of dip, and four pieces of Pita bread. I will have the last two pieces of Pita bread for breakfast. Then I thought Great Clips wouldn't be busy. I haven't had a hair cut since October? She said come back at 3. I came back at 3 but didn't get my hair cut until 3:45. I told her, "I'm going for the Mamie Eisenhower look." She laughed and told me I wasn't the only one. These people at Great Clips were laughing and teasing each other. One guy was doing jumping jacks in front of the mirror. Oh, man, I was laughing the whole time I was in the chair. I have been to Great Clips many times and this was the jolliest visit ever. Now my car is nearly packed. Tomorrow will be hot so I am wearing my sundress. I think I'll stop for lunch in San Marcos. They have a free LBJ museum there and I could hike a natural area around the river and the new dam. I don't have to check in at the ranch outside of San Antonio until 3. Golly, I love to travel!

Listen to the sound of an Eastern Screech Owl here:

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Book Of The Little Axe

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