Monday, February 13, 2023

San Marcos

 I was up at 7 a.m. and on the road by 7:20. I drove to San Marcos and arrived at 10. One museum I had hoped to visit was closed except by appointment and the LBJ museum didn't open until 11. I stopped at a coffee shop and drank my coffee before walking around the historic part of town. Then I headed to the River walk and dam. When I got to the dam I saw this little black boat with a red flag on it going around in circles right by the dam. I looked through my binoculars. Sometimes there was a green ball in front of the black boat with the red flag. What the heck? Is this an aerator? Is the city taking underwater pictures? I walked along this very pretty part of town. I felt very safe. People were friendly and by noon the park was quite busy. I had a little picnic lunch and walked up stream for a couple of hours. I paused to look at a bird or to talk with someone or to take a picture. I saw a snowy egret and a great white heron. I saw a pair of golden-fronted woodpeckers today. The Carolina wren and chickadee were calling along with house sparrows and Northern Cardinals and blue jays. Buzzards soared overhead. A Northern Harrier flew over with something hanging from it's mouth. I saw turtles. I got a picture with both a turtle and a heron in the same spot. A guy went to look at what I was seeing. He said there are gator turtles in there. He saw one that was huge. I asked if he goes swimming in there. He goes swimming in there all the time. The turtles are not aggressive in the water. People were fishing in the river. As I walked back and forth over the river I came to the one narrow stone bridge. Here comes that black boat again with the red flag. Oh, now I get it. A angler is snorkeling with a spear gun. They went right under the bridge and came out the other side. That is hilarious. That person has been swimming for two hours probably having the time of their lives. A picnic shelter was full of kids and adults. Maybe it was a school picnic? I can see why kids would love this place. I was going to leave at 1 and arrive at my new place by 3. But I need some fresh fruit. Google takes me to a farm market. Shoot, they are closed until 12:40. I find another one. They are not even there. I talk with my cousin on the phone for a few minutes. I go back to the first market. I buy one tomato, one apple, and two lemons and one bulb of garlic. I pay two dollars. This ginger haired man in a cowboy hat is smelling the candles. He tells me to smell. I smell. I ask what is the smell. He says baby powder. He fixes the label on the candle. I ask if he makes those. He says no. He lives up the street. I take my fruit out to the car. I have my phone plugged in and the car is running when he comes to the window. He starts talking and talking and talking and talking. He kneels down on the ground next to my car. I turn the car off. He is learning sign language. I sign him some language. He wants to practice. He lives two houses down. Do I need help with home repairs. I say I live in Duluth, so no I don't need help. He is a plumber. I say he must make a lot of money. He says he is not in it for the money. He is semi-retired. He used to be a rodeo clown. I believe it. He is funny. I say I got to get going. I am expected at a longhorn ranch at 3. He used to work on a longhorn ranch. He did not like the owner. The owner had a sketchy attitude toward females. And females can sense that. One female longhorn he worked with did not like the owner so bad she used her longhorn and keyed his car. I want to get away from this guy but I can't because I'm laughing so hard. He says he loves me. I say I hope you love somebody else. His pickup is running this whole time. Finally his phone rings. I gotta go, he says, my wife is calling. Whew! The drive from San Marcos to San Antonio is very scenic with limestone outcroppings and hills and valleys and cottonwood trees and pastures. I avoid the freeways. The frontage roads are sometimes faster than the freeway during rush hour anyway. I make it to the longhorn ranch by 4:15. I see the longhorns and the two Shetland ponies. I like my new neighbors. A rainstorm is approaching tonight and the Wi-Fi is a bit slow tonight so I will post more pictures tomorrow.

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Book Of The Little Axe

 Lauren Frances-Sharma is the author of Book Of The Little Axe: A Novel. I just finished reading it today. The story starts out in the late ...