Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Hot Springs Are TOO Hot To Soak Your Feet!

This morning my banking problems were solved. I was disappointed that it took 2.5 hours to solve the problem but the day got better after that. Here I am strolling the Grand Promenade. What a gorgeous day here. I had to remove the sweatshirt and don a sun shirt.

His name is Chip, not Dale.

A Northern mockingbird sings while I watch for 5 minutes.

The rocks here are very nice. I asked the park ranger if I could dip my feet into a pool. "NO! The water is 140 degrees. We have had people go to the hospital with severe burns. Once a dog went in and went into shock and could not move. The owner went in after the dog. Both the dog and the owner had severe burns and had to be hospitalized!." Good thing I asked. Thanks.

I ate my sandwich by this hot pool.

Inside the cultural museum is some original artwork that was restored by the National Park Service. This is Bacchus, the Roman God of wine and revelry. 

The artists in residence do some nice work.

Here is a good idea. I could do that.

The baths are good for osteoarthritis. I thought my banking problems were worse than they were. I could have made an appointment for a $40 bath which is the reason I drove here. Dangitall, I was too late. Except I could get one on the way of town tomorrow.

A diorama of all the bath houses.

Earlier I saw a Viceroy butterfly. I heard pine warblers singing away. Makes sense. There are pine trees here.

I saw some scat but it looked like horse apples. I hiked the Honeysuckle trail. I used a branch because my walking sticks were in the car. I went to walk up the steps to the tall tower. I chose not to because the fee was 9 dollars and I am afraid of heights when it is windy. This one doesn't sway as much as a water tower but it does sway.


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