Friday, September 14, 2007

Fish Oil Pills

I haven't eaten meat for years because the thought of chewing and swallowing muscle disgusts me. I am not an animal rights activist. I am okay with wearing leather shoes or leather clothes. I cook meat for my family but try not to touch it too much. My doctor suggested fish oil pills along with chondrontin to treat my osteoarthritis. I bought some. Fish oil pills come in a large clear oblong capsule and you can see the yellow oil inside. I looked long and hard at that first pill. I wasn't so happy about taking it. Truth is, I would eat an entire cow if it would help the arthritis. So I swallowed the pill. All subsequent pills (3 a day) have gone down much easier. I know that fish oil pills are not from blotting the greasy fish's little face and collecting the oil. They probably put the whole fish and possibly other sea creatures into a centrifuge and extract the oil. I might be getting mercury and DDT and other toxins into my system by taking this fish oil pill. That is a chance I am willing to take. I've read studies that report taking fish oil pills will start increasing cartilage after two years of consumption. The pills I take today may start helping in 2009. I still consider myself to be a vegetarian. Am I wrong about that?

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