Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Chickadee dee dee

Today I was reading the paper at the kitchen table and a black capped chickadee visited me. She came to get a drink out of my mosaic bird bath. She chirped a couple new tunes. Well, the tunes probably aren't new to her but I had never heard a chickadee make them before. I am used to the chickadee dee dee sound. Anyway, she sang some new tunes before taking her drink and flying off. I like chickadees. For one thing, their very name is fun - chickadee. It has a lot of hard consonants, it's easy to make rhymes, and it sounds like a nickname more than a formal name. Plus the name is the same as the sound it makes. I like the pluck of the chickadee. They seem to be very stalwart and stoic. They stay around all winter and they endure and even thrive in the bitter cold and wind. Chickadees are tough and cheerful. They are small in size but big in heart. I have to clarify that although I like chickadees, my favorite bird is the baltimore oriole or eastern oriole. Why, you ask? Because orange is my favorite color.

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