Thursday, July 5, 2007

Fourth of July

I love fireworks. My favorite fireworks are the ones that explode very high and wide in the sky. I also like the trailing branches of gold sparks, the loud ones, the fireworks with unpredictable secondary explosions and the ones that start off with one color-fade to another color-and end up with a third color. I am not a big fan of the happy face explosions or the heart explosions. We bought a patriotic headband from the Blue Star Moms. One antennae star was red and the other was blue. They lit up-red, blue, red and blue, red, blue, red, red. There was more frequent reds than blues. The $3 they cost was well worth the expressions on the faces of people who walked by. The little kids looked at us with awe. The teenagers looked at us like they wished they had the courage to wear something so outlandish. Older people smiles. We got compliments from the older people. At least 5 people said they liked our lights. The crowd at the fireworks was awesome. Everybody was very nice even during the patience testing exit from the grounds. I wore the headband as I walked around the block last night at 11:30 p.m. I saw some lightening bugs. I think they were jealous of me.

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