Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Mailbox survey-please comment!

I have decided to repaint my mailbox. This is something constructive I can do that does not interfere with my medical restrictions. Right now my mailbox is yellow with red polka dots. How should I repaint my mailbox? I am eager to hear your suggestions. My daughter has suggested a hamburger (ruled out because I don't eat meat), a watermelon sliced off at the front and back, a kiwi, or purple with blue stripes. I am thinking a hunter orange with frogs. What do you think?

1 comment:

Sue said...

Mark or Jenny (not sure) commented that a orange, happy lady bug mailbox would be good.

Colored Television

  I quickly read Colored Television written by Danzy Senna. Set in Los Angeles, this is a current novel about a family trying to get by. Ja...