Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Play A Kazoo At The Zoo In Kalamazoo?

Although my plan was to explore Kalamazoo, I was so angry at getting lost I went to Battle Creek instead. This makes sense because I went to Frank B. Kellogg high school. A nice man at the Dollar Store drew a great map toward downtown where I could buy a map. I once bought a road atlas at a dollar store but I can't find it now. The Michigan rest stop was fresh out of state maps. I parked across the street from the Battle Creek police station and asked for directions. A very nice female officer pointed the way. I had to walk 3 blocks and look for the blue roof on the Chamber of Commerce building. My problem is my memory. I remembered red roof because I saw so many red roof inns driving around last night. Then I realized I forgot my phone in my car so I had to walk back and get it. I was so smart to park by the police station! Except the police station is right next to the courthouse where the criminals and home less people hang out. "Who carries cash these days?" I lied. This picture shows a lion rising out of somebody's chest.

I went to the free museum because the chamber of commerce lady said I should. I loved it! Aw shucks, this girl looks  just like grandgirl #2!!!!!

I got a cup of decaf coffee with macadamia nut milk because I was still tired. I read an article about how only humans drink milk after being weaned and maybe this isn't good. I don't drink much milk but I grew up drinking milk. Yogurts and cheese and sour cream should still be good though. Whole milk is supposed to be healthier than skim. Then I bought a bowl of delicious lentil soup at the Veggie Café. The chef who made the soup said I should go next door and see the Lincoln Project. OMG! Look at Abe here made entirely of pennies! He is so shiny! Is it wrong to use United States currency as art? What would Honest Abe say about this? Actually I would like to get his opinion on many topics, wouldn't you? On my way back I got lost again but enjoyed the drive through fields of cabbage and blueberry bushes. Lower Michigan is sooooo pretty considering how flat it is. I bought some small apples and a pint of whole milk at a farm stand. Honestly, I bought a small cherry cheesecake pie and got my steering wheel all sticky with sugar. My motto is moderation in all things even abstinence and obstinance. I have been so lucky with great weather too!


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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...