Thursday, October 28, 2021

Eleanor Is My Heroine

Today I drove south to visit Eleanor Roosevelt's home on this creek. I admire her work, her attitudes, her determination, and her spunky personality.

Here she started a factory to employ people in need with her friends Marion and Nancy.

Upstairs, in that sunporch on the left is where Eleanor slept when Princess Margaret of Norway or Winston Churchill came to visit. Notice how inaccessible this house is? Franklin had to sleep elsewhere. Even though they were semi-separated she kept a large portrait of Franklin on her bedroom wall.

Here I am peeking inside a playhouse. I had a play house too but mine did not have electricity and running water.

The play house is on the right. At the left is a grill where she made food for the boys who visited from a local institution that took care of troubled boys ages 8 to 18. Can you imagine Eleanor Roosevelt serving you a burger? I would bet she touched some young lives doing this work.

Here is the door where Winston Churchill and Princess Margaret probably went in.

Here is a rose from Eleanor's garden with a tiny fly on it.

Why are strawberries still growing near the end of October?

Here is the pool built to help Franklin exercise. Happy times were had here with her five children and numerous grandchildren.

I walked over to the Roosevelt farm. When I took a picture of the code on the sign on the tree I learned that this farm was designed to sustain wildlife including salamanders and fishers.

They had a lovely forest.

Franklin started a holiday tree farm. He made $400 profit and was happy with that. He had a Christmas tree shipped overseas to Winston Churchill in a bomber.

I don't know what kind of tree this is but those yellow leaves are bigger than both my hands put together.

I drove 20 miles east to the property Franklin inherited from his mother. Here is the tomb of Eleanor and Franklin. Eleanor is my heroine.

Finally, here is okra growing in the Franklin garden.


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